As a session at last year’s SXSW V2V event in Las Vegas, NV, Traklight CEO Mary Juetten asked her audience of entrepreneurs if any of them thought they didn’t have Intellectual Property (IP). Of course, if you have been reading the Traklight blog and understand that 100% of businesses have IP, then you see that this question was a set up. No one should answer yes. But just as Mary was about to commend everyone and tell them they were correct for not raising their hands, there was one man who shyly raised his hand.
Astonished, Mary made it her mission throughout this session to help everyone understand that IP is everywhere! There’s a great interview by Josh Ellis of SUCCESS Magazine titled “On a Heater” that recaps Mary’s experiences at the event.
Mary will be hosting an interactive mentoring session at this year’s SXSW event on March 10th. If you’re attending the event, be sure to sign up for some great one-on-one time with our charismatic CEO! If you’re not able to attend the event, we’ve got you covered with some great crowdfunding resources on our IP Cloud.
As a bonus, those who attend will be given one of our coveted Practice Safe Crowdfundingâ„¢ shirts (no seriously, people beg us for these things! They’re so soft!).
See ya there!