We all recognize the writer in movies who just can’t seem to find the words. Sitting at their typewriter, composing a love note and spilling their undying love, ripping page after page from the typewriter in increased frustration. Or the poet turned rockstar looking to compose their next big lyrical riff, burning both ends of the candle night after night to come up with a million dollar chorus.
When it comes to blog writing, many can appreciate the anxiety that it causes and the series of questions that follow when asked to contribute content to, say, a company blog. “What if no one reads what I write? What if no one understands my point? How can I possibly write a blog – I’m a terrible writer!”
I’m happy to share that our Traker team truly rallied together to contribute content for me to regularly post. That being said, I wanted to share our top three take aways, and also help you increase your blogging frequency as well with some tips and tricks. Of course, as always, be sure the content you’re sharing is yours, or is cited properly. IP infringement is a big deal and not something to trifle with (I mention this to remind you to never share without consent).
So what did our Trakers learn in creating regular content? And how can you apply these lessons with your company? . . .
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