Taking the Scary Out of Startup: Why Startups Succeed, Part 4


We spoke last week on why you should identify & protect your IP. As we continue our Taking the Scary Out of Startup Series, we will talk today a bit more on culture. Traklight has a stated set of core values that we reference frequently. We start our monthly team meetings with a culture share. This practice comes out of the mining industry where our CFO works, at which most meetings are started with a safety share – a team member shares a lesson learned or best practice.

Culture as a touchstone
Frequently our culture share is around our We are Geese value. A great example of this occured in April when we had a share about helping Emily, our social media guru who was called away for a family emergency. We all decided we could help her by writing more blogs for our company blog so she wouldn’t have to worry about it when she was gone. I think that is the nature of the startup. You need to have people on your team who can pitch in and pick up when someone else falters or asks for help.

That last bit–asking for help–is also something that makes for a great Traker. It seems so simple but it is critical. Startups have limited budgets and time is a precious resource, even if it is free or sweat equity. Getting off on a tangent because you are not asking questions is worse than asking tons of questions. There is no such thing as too many questions.

As a CEO, my job is to make sure that everyone is lined up with projects and priorities, plus I need to be available for questions. I prioritize my day based on my top three tasks plus make sure I answer everyone’s questions so no one is waiting on me.

Your company’s culture is only one piece of the puzzle. Purchase Traklight’s ID your IP software to start working on your IP strategy today.


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