This last week I went out to get the mail and it was the typical junk (you know what I mean). After sorting through it, 90% went directly into the recycling bin. The other few pieces were your typical bills, of which I simply filed because they are auto-paid, which, in my opinion, if you are not using auto-pay with everything, you are simply wasting your time.
Anyway, the monthly Success Magazine was part of the bundle. I opened it up, and took interest in the title on the usual free CD. So I took it. Not only did I take it, I took it to Nevada where I work (each day I drive from Elko to Carlin, about 30 minutes each way).
Wow. I am hooked. Why? The CD is not only packed with all kinds of interesting stories about people, their lives, and how they DID IT, but it also has great information about how we can make a substantial impact on our productivity! I liked it so much I brought it back home and Mary pointed out that we have all kinds of them “over there†(meaning back at the office). I had struck gold! I specifically latched onto the set, “Living Your Best Year Ever†by Darren Hardy. I knew I would love them. I loaded them into my iTunes and now I was ready to travel.
As I listened, I realized that over the last “long period of timeâ€, I have not been as productive as I could be. I frittered time away, aimlessly meandering through my day without disciplined direction, and for some reason did not get things done that I wanted to or should. I learned that I needed a routine for each day, something that would put me on autopilot for my daily basic routine things that I need to get done. I then needed to set my routine on a time basis, write it down, and follow it. I was also advised to bring the right pre-packed snacks, lunch, etc. so as not to crash and burn – an easy set up for failure. And lastly, and my most favorite, is to make a list the day before of all the things you MUST get done together with added bonus tasks (bonus tasks are the piles of things you must get done but are not top priority…come to think of it, I think this part is my idea. I think. But I have a horrible memory. Sorry Darren if it’s yours). Then with this list, as the day goes by, you must question and redirect yourself if you are not working on your MUST list, unless you are running from a burning building.
So to recap: Set a routine as part of your normal day to avoid wasting time. Make a list the night before and set MUST priorities (make it achievable but test yourself). Then work through the list (and only the list) until you achieve your goal. Then move on.
Try it. See what happens. And let me know how it works out for you. Good luck!