Female Entrepreneur Pornography (FEP)

Not what you think. As a female entrepreneur leading a company of thirteen just about equally divided between men and women, I merely pointing out what really gets the women Trakers excited.

 Blog Contest 

First of all, this Hubspot 30 day contest is right up our competitive alley. Our amazing Emily Ely tossed our hat in the ring on Jan 2nd – love the initial initiative. Then when I read her challenge to our team to do this one-hour contest, I was stoked!

 Second, seeing the daily Hubspot prospects email, looking at our dashboard, hearing that our keywords are now showing on page one, and that we are in the top 1.2 million websites – that is most definitely FEP! 

 Core Values 

Traker_valuesWe had a team of our most creative Trakers work on a set of core values based on our growing company’s initial stab at a manifesto. The resulting document is on our blog and brought tears to my eyes on first read. Our monthly meetings now start off with a “culture” share where we call out people for doing something great that exhibits a core value. To realize that our Trakers believe in our dream and passion to educate and empower entrepreneurs, it’s simply the best feeling! 

New Dev Site

2013 was a pivotal year for us because we secured bank financing and hired our first employee, our VP Technology Shay Harding, who is working very hard on our new version of ID your IP and IP Vault software. Late last month, Shay and the team sent the initial development site link on what was a particularly challenging day for me because of something that was not going well. I was rendered speechless by the sheer elegance of the new ID your IP. For those that might know me or never watched any of our educational videos, words do not usually escape me. The improvement in the user experience and the interface was beyond my wildest dreams. We are all waiting with great anticipation to re-launch the tools in Feb.

It’s the small stuff

I have been a road warrior for the better part of eight months now – all in the US but a lot of travel on points on some of my not so favorite airlines. Also, I am a bit of a magnet for flight attendants to either bump or spill on me. Last week I went to LA for one day; almost like a commuter day but somehow on the way back everything went awry and I was flying absolutely starving. The root problem is my new attempt at no wheat, sugar, corn and soy to try to lose some of the “Startup 45” that I have packed on over the last 18 months (blog forthcoming on that topic!). Anyways, I was blowing up my husband’s phones with my woes. When I arrived home at 10 pm, he had prepared true FEP: Red wine, a new gadget (a portable battery charger for the country’s last blackberry), and homemade guacamole.



Disclaimer: Not the usual we are not giving you legal advice because we are not lawyers and cannot; instead, no other female Traker wrote or participated in this blog so really it might just be my FEP!
